As I sit here taking a small break from the hustle and bustle, I am reflecting on this past year, and realizing how lucky I am. First and foremost, I’m so lucky to have such a cool, smart, sensitive little boy that I get to spend the holidays with. I’m also so incredibly fortunate that I get to come to work every day. I truly love this business, and I’m so proud of everything we’ve accomplished here. I’m blessed to know so many wonderful people in the community, many of whom I’ve developed friendships with. It warms my heart to see so many loyal customers time and time again, and to see my “regulars” walk through the door makes me smile every time. I hope I’ve been able to provide a service that’s valuable, and I want to take a minute to thank our customers- each and every one of you- for helping us continue to grow and stay in business during this challenging economic climate. I never fail to count my blessings and I thank my lucky stars that we’ve made it this far. We wouldn’t be here without all of you. To show my sincere appreciation for all of our die-hard Envelope fans, I’d like to offer any of our current customers (who read this blog) 50% off one in-stock item. It’s my gift to you for being so very good to us. Happy Holidays to all of you and let’s make it a fabulous 2010!